Five key factors in walking with God
In today's message, God's people are reminded about discipleship and fellowship. Discipleship requires faith and perseverance (Joshua 1:1-9). We hear God calling Joshua to take over from Moses...
At Life Church Arbroath, we believe that everyone has a unique calling and place within the body of Christ. We are, therefore, constantly learning, receiving and offering leadership for furnishing every man, woman and child with the aim of allowing Christ to build His body into the complete bride we are meant to be.
Watch Our Video Find Out MoreIn today's message, God's people are reminded about discipleship and fellowship. Discipleship requires faith and perseverance (Joshua 1:1-9). We hear God calling Joshua to take over from Moses...
In today's message, God's people are reminded about the meaning of discipleship. Reading from Joshua 1:1, God had called Joshua to complete the mission of leading the children of Israel to the promise
In today's message, God's people are encouraged to take heed that no man deceives them. God's word tells us that we are closer to the coming of the Lord. The Bible passages (2 Peter 2, 2 Thessalonians
Since coming to Life Church Arbroath I have had a deeper commitment to my faith and have a better understanding of the Word.
Since coming to Life Church my faith in God has been strengthened through the teaching and studies we have done, and I have total assurance that God is in control.
Shortly after I accepted Christ into my life, I was coming home from work and had a bad headache, so I prayed. "Lord I was told anything I asked for in your name I would be given, so Lord I pray you would take away this headache in Jesus mighty name." and within 5 minutes my headache was gone and I have never had a headache since and that was more than 20 years ago.
Ages 1 - 35
Ladies of all ages
Matthew 4:18-20 (NKJV)
2 Thessalonians 1:3
Irrespective of what you’re going through,
there is a solution in Jesus.
Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen. It is the feeling of trust that we have in respect of a relationship. To be Blessed is to be made Holy or to be Consecrated. By this, we can simply say that Blessed Hope means "Holy Expectation" or "Consecrated Trust" that we have toward an event, transition or change.
No matter what you’re facing, Jesus is willing to help.
We’d love to pray with you!